We continue our adjustments for your safety
Folkhälsomyndighetens recommendations will be removed completely or eased on 9 February. Distriktstandvården follows Folkhälsomyndighetens recommendations regarding the coronavirus and national guidelines for infection control. Therefore, we still encourage you to stay at home and not visit us if you are ill and have symptoms. Our staff will also carefully follow basic hygiene routines and use protective equipment in all patient contact.
Do you feel sick or have symptoms?
Call us on 010-550 15 00 and we will find a new appointment or contact the clinic directly. You will find contact information for all clinics here. If you feel completely healthy and do not show any symptoms, you are warmly welcome to visit us.
We are also very careful that patients and staff who show symptoms such as coughing, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath, even if they are mild symptoms, should not come to the clinic.
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